10 to 15 minutes
Explain the purpose of the activity and write it down on the board or main map.
Give them 5 minutes to work in groups and prepare the content of an email they would send for the focused communication.
When the time is up, ask each facilitator to read out their text.
Hello everyone,
Since the completion of the ArtoLibre@Artophile project, we’ve had an expected decrease in performance because we needed time to get used to the new applications. Fortunately, most of that is recovered, and some departments even have a higher performance than before. However, some departments have not fully recovered yet, and we’re looking for solutions to that.
Artophile is now a lot more sustainable and environment friendly because we don’t have to replace our computers and other devices as frequently as we did before. This, along with the reduction in license fees, has been a significant cost saving for the company, and we’re going to spend that money on two things:
- We, along with Artoaudit and Artobuilders, are going to sponsor the Gimp project to add non-destructive adjustment layers to their image editing application, as it’s a key feature we need to use in Artophile. That would made it much easier for our graphic designers.
- The rest of the money will be paid to all employees as a bonus :)
So, that’s it about ArtoLibre@Artophile for now. Don’t forget to contact me or the IT department if you have any concerns about the new ecosystem.
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