Instructor-Led Workshops

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P5-G01 - Evaluate the benefits

20 to 25 minutes

Explain the purpose of the activity and write it down on the board or main map.

Give them 10 minutes to work in groups and use their imaginations to measure benefits (and disbenefits).

When the time is up, ask each facilitator to present their imaginary measurements.


  • More compatibility with the public sector: Seems to be easier to work with them than before.
  • More security and privacy: Our score in the independent annual audit for security and privacy is currently 86%, whereas it used to be 72% before the project.
  • Less software lock-in: We’re truly not locked in to certain applications; we decided to change our email client and vector image editor applications, and the switching was seamless.
  • More environmentally friendly: We’ve had to replace much fewer devices in the new ecosystem compared to before, which is good for the environment.
  • Less expense:
    • We’ve had a 28 Artopool cost reduction in license costs during the last 6-month period.
    • Our old computers, which used to be considered at the end of their lives, have suddenly become fast and performant! Replacing them would have cost us about 70 Artopools.
  • Impact on performance:
    • The performance of our architects, which initially decreased by about 30% because of switching into a new application, is now almost back to normal.
    • The performance of our admin staff, which was initially decreased by about 40%, is now recovered and is even 15% higher than before.
    • The graphic designers are still not fully happy with Gimp and prefer to use Photoshop.
  • Recruitment: When hiring new people, we can’t expect them to be familiar with our applications, and therefore, any new hires need a longer training period.

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